Occupations Embroidery Designs


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$4.99 Listen To Heart - 5x7 $3.79 Queen Of The Classroom - 4x4 $3.79 Love Nurses - 4x4 $40.00 Modern Applique Set - 8x10 $40.00 The Beauty of a Woman Set - 8x10 $40.00 The Beauty of a Woman Set - 6x8 $40.00 The Beauty of a Woman Set - 5x7 $40.00 The Beauty of a Woman Set - 4x5 $60.00 The Beauty of a Woman Set - 5 Sizes! $8.09 I Can Buy Fabric - 3 Sizes! $4.49 Stethoscope $3.79 Makeup and Mirror - 4x4 $4.00 Life Monogram Topper Applique 10 - 3 Sizes! $7.49 Fireman In Training $40.00 Official Rubber Stamps Set - 8x8 $40.00 Official Rubber Stamps Set - 6x6 $40.00 Official Rubber Stamps Set - 5x5 $55.00 Official Rubber Stamps Set - 3 Sizes! $3.79 Family Tree Farm - 4x4 $2.30 Card Case 408 - 5x7 $4.79 Slice Slice Baby - 4x4 $3.79 Chop It - 4x4 $9.50 Pookie Cat 1 by Maria van Bruggen, Pilot - 5x7 $40.00 Beauty Behind The Mask Set - 14x14 $40.00 Beauty Behind The Mask Set - 10x12 $40.00 Beauty Behind The Mask Set - 8x10 $40.00 Beauty Behind The Mask Set - 6x8 $40.00 Beauty Behind The Mask Set - 5x7 $60.00 Beauty Behind The Mask Set - 5 Sizes! $3.79 Nurse Life - 4x4 $3.79 Heartbeat Wine - 4x4 $40.00 Ladies in Line Set - 6x8 $40.00 Ladies in Line Set - 5x7 $40.00 Ladies in Line Set - 4x5 $55.00 Ladies in Line Set - 3 Sizes! $3.00 Christmas Chaos Coordinator - 9 Sizes! $3.00 Official S’mores Tester - 6 Sizes! $5.34 Bath Time Dog - 4x4 $6.09 Snowmen Stickup - 5x7 $4.00 Sew Over It Snap Tab and Eyelet Fob $7.00 Nail File Holder - 5x7 $40.00 For the Sewer Set - 5x7 $40.00 For the Sewer Set - 4x5 $40.00 For the Sewer Set - 4x4 $55.00 For the Sewer Set - 3 Sizes! $4.00 Bulldozer Snow Plow Applique - 3 Sizes! $4.00 Dump Truck Construction Applique - 3 Sizes! $4.00 Tow Truck Construction Applique - 3 Sizes! $4.79 Just Wing It - 4x4 $4.29 Screw Driver - 5x7 $2.00 Dental Tools - 4x4 $2.55 Mini Garbage Truck - 3 Sizes! $3.95 In the Hoop Wooden Spoon - 3 Sizes! $3.20 Construction Number 4 Applique - 2 Sizes! $40.00 Ladies In Abstract Set - 8x10 $40.00 Ladies In Abstract Set - 6x8 $40.00 Ladies In Abstract Set - 5x7 $55.00 Ladies In Abstract Set - 3 Sizes! $20.00 Ladies in Color Set - 14x14 $20.00 Ladies in Color Set - 12x12