Snacks Embroidery Designs


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$2.60 Little Piggy 19 - 4x4 $2.60 Little Piggy 17 - 4x4 $4.00 Loopy Cupcake Applique - 3 Sizes! $4.00 Swirly Cupcake Applique - 3 Sizes! $6.50 Split Cake Applique - 3 Sizes! $2.60 Peppermint Applique - 2 Sizes! $2.60 Sweet As Candy - 2 Sizes! $2.60 Candy Apple Applique - 2 Sizes! $2.60 Gumballs - 2 Sizes! $4.00 Jelly Beans Banner Add On - 3 Sizes! $6.50 Pleasant Words Applique - 3 Sizes! $4.00 Raggedy Jelly Beans Applique - 3 Sizes! $12.00 Raggedy Easter Applique Set, 5 Designs - 3 Sizes! $12.00 Easter Tags, In The Hoop - 5 Designs Plus Bonus $3.00 St. Paddy Lollipop Lips - 3 Sizes! $4.00 Jelly Beans Hair Clippie and Bow Center Set, In The Hoop $5.00 Jelly Beans Penny Rug, In The Hoop - 2 Sizes! $12.00 Easter Penny Rugs Set - 2 Sizes! $3.00 Birthday Cupcake With Heart Candy Applique - 4 Sizes! $6.50 Stacked Bunny Words Applique - 3 Sizes! $6.50 Chocolate Bunnies and Jelly Beans Applique - 3 Sizes! $5.00 Bunny Pop Covers, In The Hoop! $5.00 Lollipop Lips and Mustache - 4x4 $12.50 Ginger Delight Set - 4x4 $8.50 Christmas Pockets - 5x7 $4.00 Raggedy Prim Ginger Applique - 4 Sizes! $4.00 Gingerbread Hair Clippie and Bow Center Set $6.50 Jesus Cane Applique - 3 Sizes! $5.00 Snowman Pop Covers, In The Hoop! $5.00 Call Me Cupcake - 3 Sizes! $3.99 Christmas Candy Applique - 3 Sizes! $10.50 Gingerbread Kids Applique - 5x7 $5.00 The Perfect Man- 3 Sizes! $24.00 Ginger Kids Placemat Combo Set $16.50 Gingerbread Placemat - 6x10 $6.50 I Ate Santa's Cookies Applique - 3 Sizes! $6.50 Gingerbread Train Applique $16.50 Gingerbread Train Placemat - 6x10 $5.00 Cookie Alphabet - 1.5" $7.50 Gingerbread Drawstring Bag - 2 Sizes! $10.50 Ginger Candle Mat and Wrap Set $4.00 Gingerbread Man 2 Applique - 3 Sizes! $4.00 Gingerbread Girl 2 Applique - 3 Sizes! $4.00 Candy Cane Trio Applique - 3 Sizes! $5.00 Gimme Something Good Applique - 3 Sizes! $7.50 Tulle Gingerbread Necklace Applique - 3 Sizes! $6.50 Gingerbread Man Vest Applique - 3 Sizes! $6.50 Gingerbread Dress Girl Applique - 3 Sizes! $7.50 Tulle Candy Cane - 3 Sizes! $14.50 Whimsical Christmas Borders Set - 5x7 $12.50 Gingerbread Potholders - 2 Sizes! $6.50 Ginger Candle Mat - 3 Sizes! $14.50 Ginger Mug Rugs - 5x7 $4.00 Witch Treat Applique - 3 Sizes! $4.00 Owl Candy Applique - 4 Sizes! $5.00 Pumpkin Pop Covers, In The Hoop $5.00 Ghost Pop Covers, In The Hoop $8.00 Pumpkin and Ghost Pop Cover Set, In The Hoop $6.50 Bling On The Candy Applique - 3 Sizes! $5.17 I Love Cake 5, SWAK Pack - 2 Sizes!