The Piglets - PDF Pattern
With the help of this pattern and it's many step-by-step pictures, you can make these cute little piglets. Make them from wool felt to have perfect pink piglets. The piglets are 10 cm long and 7 cm high. The curly tails are cute and easy to make. Lovely to do and such a lovely result. Make one or many, to cherish or to share.

The Piglets - PDF Pattern

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Wool Felt Wonders
Price 5.50
File Formats PDF

With the help of this pattern and it's many step-by-step pictures, you can make these cute little piglets. Make them from wool felt to have perfect pink piglets.

The piglets are 10 cm long and 7 cm high. The curly tails are cute and easy to make. Lovely to do and such a lovely result.

Make one or many, to cherish or to share.

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  • This product may be used to create limited products for sale. Bulk product manufacturing is not permitted.