Hooting Towel Toppers - 6x8
An adorable decor (and practical) item for any kitchen! Wonderful gift idea for friends and family - housewarming etc. Tabs are prepared first (2 fit in 1 hooping). Project is completed in a 2nd hooping. Convenient fact: Towels are attached to the topper with Velcro so they can be removed for laundry. Three darling designs to choose from – step by step instructions supplied. See PDF below for sizes and details.

Hooting Towel Toppers - 6x8

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Inspiration Mutz
Price 18.00
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An adorable decor (and practical) item for any kitchen! Wonderful gift idea for friends and family - housewarming etc.

Tabs are prepared first (2 fit in 1 hooping). Project is completed in a 2nd hooping.
Convenient fact: Towels are attached to the topper with Velcro
so they can be removed for laundry.
Three darling designs to choose from – step by step instructions supplied.
See PDF below for sizes and details.

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